wow wow wow! So I have so much to tell you! I'm back in Tennessee now, and had the most amazing week in Iowa and day in Chicago! Before I tell you all about my week in other states I have to tell you about my last two days in Tennessee before I left!
On the 9th August Logan and I went shopping in downtown Nashville, and then ate at a restaurant called Rock Bottom, it was a really nice restaurant, really really big, with dimmed lights, a really cool atmosphere, and the veggie pizza I had was delish! Not to mention the mouth watering brownie Logan and I shared after wards! One word.. YUM! After dinner Logan and I went to sit by the river for a little while which was really nice because Logan and I, for as long as we've been together (even before) have spent a lot of our time together at night by water, and we haven't been able to as much as we used to since we both moved from Singapore. So it was a really romantic and special night for me, which is why I really wanted to share it with you :)

Our taxi driver said something really beautiful on the way home that night. He and Logan were talking and he asked Logan if I were his girlfriend, Logan said yes, and then the taxi driver asked if I lived in Tennessee too, when Logan explained that we live in different countries, the taxi replied with 'well I guess love has a way of finding it's way'. I feel like I've been given so signs and messages during my time in America, about staying strong in our long distance relationship, and I don't usually believe in this kind of thing, but I honestly don't think it's been a coincidence. One of the messages was on a poster and it read '
never underestimate the power of love', and this message just sums up my time here in America with Logan <3
The following day we had to wake up super early (5am!!!!) to run 5k for the
NFL series opening. I must admit, although 5k isn't that far, I was worried I would find it terribly difficult because I haven't been to the gym this whole summer (woopsies!). However I actually really enjoyed it, it was a great start to the day :) We ran through down town Nashville, and the fact that I've fallen so in love with Nashville made it all the nicer :) The run also finished in the Titan's football field, which was pretty cool seeing as I've never been in an NFL field before! Everybody received a medal as well, which I'm going to keep as a souvenir.
After the run we all (Logan, Logan's family, and I) went to an american diner (my first one!), called Noshville, for breakfast. I ordered hot chocolate and chocolate chip pancakes, and man the pancakes were huge! I couldn't even finish one of them!
Later on in the day Logan and I went to the mall and I spent a good 45 minutes in Victoria's Secret picking out a new perfume and phone case. I loooooveeee my new phone cover, it's so pretty! I got Kiss perfume, and I don't want it to ever run out because it's such a lovely scent, very sweet and girly. I'm an avid Victoria's Secret fan, I don't think I could ever get enough of it!
The following morning Logan and I flew to Iowa, and spent the week there. However it is incredibly late here now and I should really get some shut eye, so i'll be sure to tell you all about my week in Iowa some time soon! Goodnight lovelies <3
-Alyssa xo