I have been an absolute terrible blogger lately! And what makes it worse is that I have no valid excuse! I've been wanting to tell you about the parties I went to last week that were both fancy dress, one superhero themed night and the other pub golf in golfing get up ^^ However I haven't got enough photos at the moment, and am waiting for my friend to send me some so that I can share them with you (and I will, I promise, as soon as I have the photos!). But alas, this is such a poor excuse for not having blogged in two weeks (!), I could very well have written about something else.. bad, bad blogger!
February is a big (and expensive) month for me.. with an incredible amount of birthday celebrations and presents. By an incredible amount I really am talking about an incredible amount... Lorna's birthday party on the 5th (the golf themed one), Rob's birthday on the 7th (in which I sprained my ankle.. wait for the story.. it's impressive ^^), Emma's birthday on the 10th, Logan's birthday on the 16th, my birthday on the 17th (!!!!) and Lucy's birthday on the 21st!)... see...I wasn't exaggerating when I said an incredible amount!
I can actually tell you about Lorna's birthday party, because I actually do have the photos for that one! Like I have already mentioned.. the fancy dress theme was golfing attire, and we played pub golf. It was a lot of fun, but I did start to feel sick towards the end of the game, and I wasn't a very happy bunny. As soon as we hit the club I perked up, and felt quite a bit better, so actually ended up having a good night out with my friends. If you've ever played pub golf, you'll know just how dangerous it can get.. jumping from pub to pub, having to order the drink requested by your game tracker sheet, and then to top that off, having to down and finish that drink in an impossible number of swigs (when I say impossible I mean like 2 or 3 swigs to down a full glass of fizzy drink and alcohol (or beer, which is even worse... ew!)... for someone who can't even drink water that quickly without feeling sick, let alone being an incredible light weight, you can see why pub golf isn't a regular party style choice for me... ^^ Never the less, it was fun, especially towards the beginning of the night... before feeling sick ^^
The fam before the night kicked off.
Lucy and I totally (not) ready for a night of pub golf (not gonna lie, we didn't feel totally ready for this... we had literally (i'm talking 30 minutes beforehand) just come back from a talk about the negative consequences of drugs and alcohol...eek!
We joined the party late (because we're always 'fashionably' late to everything... ^^) at the Greek (a restaurant/ bar in upper Bangor), to begin our night of terrible competitive drinking (I cheated.. as I always do at pub golf... because there is absolutely no way I'd make it out alive if I didn't!).
Compulsory cheeky selfie with Lucy and Briany ^^
The birthday girl!
What cuties, Mr Briany and Miss Lucy ^^
Miss Lucy doing considerably well, seeing as her drink downing abilities are almost as bad as mine! ^^
The next birthday on the list was Rob's 20th, which was on Friday... and man do I have a story to tell you about my poor little ankle....
It was a beautifully sunny day in little Bangorland (... just kidding... sun... in Bangor!? What a wonderful phenomenon. No, of course it wasn't!... it was a gloomy, cold winters day!), and the gang headed into town to celebrate Rob's becoming of 20 over lunch in a cute little cafe called 1815.
Not only was the atmosphere of the place super cosy and intimate, the food was well worth it's price!
All the girls were pretty excited about the pretty little drink bottles, I just couldn't resist taking a photo. Is that weird? Hmm...
The soup of the day was carrot, yoghurt and sesame seeds.. and it was so good, despite burning my tongue profusely... it was just too tempting, making it impossible for me to wait until it had cooled to an appropriate temperature before gobbling it up...
Miss Lucy's beast of a lunch! How good does it look though ( I mean for all you meat eaters out there...)... the veggie one looked pretty darn good too (sorry veggies, I didn't get a photo of the veggie one, we couldn't wait to get stuck into our food!)...
After sitting back and enjoying our glorious meals, we trudged home through the cold, and started to get ready for the not so laid back party that we would throw ourselves into later...
No fancy dress this time, just plain ol' normal party clothes (you'd be surprised just how rare dressing in normal clothes is for a night out around here!). We tested out the funky, old skl disco lights Alex brought back with him from Liverpool for our (Rob, Emma, Lucy and I) big joint birthday party (which is on Saturday.. eeepp! ^^), which I personally feel was a big success, although others weren't so enthusiastic about it, complaining about how it 'blinded' them.. yeah yeah, well guess they're just not as disco wise as little old me... mmhhhmm...
Miss Lucy and I always have to take a together selfie before heading to a party.. always.. ^^ Now we're totally party ready..
Lucy and Alex getting cosy on the couch...
Photos with the birthday boy... ^^
And then we hit the club... and that's when things went things went down hill for my poor little ankle...
After a few too many drinks (especially after I had promised myself I wouldn't drink.. I'm so rubbish I know... *sigh*)
... and getting a little over excited with Miss Lucy when Pitbull's voice came through the headphones (I swear I didn't bring my own music and headphones to the club...I'm not that weird I promise... it was a headphone party!... A party where no music is playing in the club, and the only way you can hear music is through the head phones that the club provides ^^)...
one excited jump too many and I fell over onto my ankle...
... Luckily I had my arm around Lucy so I didn't fall flat onto my face, keeping me looking like a drunken wreck (which I promise I actually wasn't!).
But it hurt incredibly and I thought I was gonna faint. It was the most bizarre feeling... being in a headphone party, and having taken my headphones off, the room was filled with the sound of drunken voices singing to music that I couldn't hear...
If you've fainted before you'll know that just before you do, everything goes fuzzy... noise goes incredibly muffled and faint and everything flashes black and white... imagine it happening in the bizarre environment I was in! ^^
Luckily (again), I didn't faint, I reached a seat and managed to pull myself together. I was a tough little cookie.. if I do say so myself ^^ ( most likely due to the alcohol already in my system helping to relieve some of the pain)... and continued to boogie for the next two hours for the sake of Rob's birthday and for the fun of my friends. It wasn't until I got home that silly little me realized just how swollen it was... I have a photo but it's too ugly to share with you haha!
The following day I went to the hospital (in my pyjamas, because it hurt to pull other trousers up over my ankle! ^^) with Lucy and the nurse told me it would take six weeks to be properly healed! :O She told me not to wear heels for our birthday party this weekend (an even bigger :O!)... but hey ho.. we'll see how it is on Saturday, and I'll make a judgement on whether I think it fit to wear my gorgeous red heels ;)... No, I really shouldn't should I??
My ankle is actually getting a lot better, it doesn't hurt anymore and the swelling is going down, it is beginning to bruise, but I see bruising as a good sign, means it's healing.. right? ^^
Anyway, that was my little dramatic story of the week! Now the moral of the story is ladies... 'keep calm and restrain yourself when your favourite dance song comes on, especially when in irresponsible shoes!' oh and don't drink too much! Seriously.. be safe people <3
I'll leave you with that take home message ladies! Fingers crossed Saturday night isn't so dramatic! ^^
-Alyssa xo
p.s I promise to tell you about the superhero party as soon as I get my mits on the photos!
p.s I promise to tell you about the superhero party as soon as I get my mits on the photos!