Christmas is coming up (yay!), and I think it's safe for me to assume that everyone is starting to get just a teensy weensy bit panicky about what gifts to buy for their loved ones... so I thought I'd help you out a little!
A few weeks ago I ordered a little something off of amazon. I had been wanting one of these bad boys since I first laid eyes on them when I was in a mahussive Yankee store ( a.k.a heaven) in the U.S. I didn't buy one because the plug obviously wouldn't fit my british plug socket back home in the UK, but Logan did, and I was oh so very jealous. Logan and I are both just a little bit obsessed with scented things, hence why going into a Yankee store together is always so incredibly dangerous.
So to summarize the story thus far....I didn't buy one of these beauties in the U.S. But Logan did, and I was jelly. SO.... I ORDERED ONE FOR MYSELF WHEN I GOT BACK TO THE UK, MUAHAHA ^^
The doorbell rang one fresh autumny (my new word of the day) morning.
I sprinted down the stairs as quickly as my short little (sadly) legs could carry me, and flung open the front door to greet the nice postman that had delivered my new found love.
I thanked the post man, and darted back up the stairs, into my bedroom and delicately threw (please do not wildly throw as the precious object may smash and make you cry like you've never cried before) the package onto the bed.
I wildly (this is the part you where you can go crazy kids) attacked the box with all my might, trying to prise it open.
I realized (light bulb moments always make you feel so smart don't they?), however, that my opening skills would probably be enhanced if I used scissors to cut the tape surrounding the box... (the part where you don't feel so smart anymore because you've realize you've wasted so much precious time)...
Tadahhhhhh.... I hope you're not disappointed... because you shouldn't be! Although this baby doesn't look all that exciting, once it's been turned on (you naughty)... it burns like a dream.
You're probably still wondering... WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS THING!?... well my friends... meet the White Floral Electric Melt Warmer by Yankee Candle.
You may now be wondering... WHAT ON EARTH DOES THAT MEAN!?
... Well... My friends... What it means is that you now have a wonderful contraption, that burns beautifully scented wax tarts, that there after fills your bedroom (my friends can actually smell it throughout the entire house!) with this exquisite smell of whatever tickles your fancy (depending on the scented tart that you choose to burn).
Once it has been plugged in, it warms up (nice and cosy) and melts the wax tart that you have put in the dish on the top.
There are also non-electric, candle versions, where a candle is placed within and is used to heat up the top dish which contains the wax tart. I have one of these in my bedroom back home in Spain (however I usually use it for oils rather than for wax). I love my candle one because as much as I love wonderful smells, I also love pretty little lights, and candles give me the best of both worlds! ^^ However, as I am living in a student house here in the UK, and as my house contract states 'no use of candles' (how upsetting!), I thought I'd give the electric one a try (thank goodness I did!).
The wax in this photo isn't actually a yankee wax tart, but one that I bought elsewhere. I have four different wax scents for my new burner: creme brûlée (which caused all my girl friends to believe they could smell pancakes... causing them to haphazardly run to the kitchen....just to be greatly disappointed when I informed them that there weren't in fact any pancakes... and that the smell was coming from my sexy new burner), pomegranate, indian summer and sugar cookie (which is my favorite, and is burning right next to me as we speak, making my room smell like christmas! ^^).
Although I haven't tried any of the yankee candle wax tarts, I really would love to try some of their scents, some of them just sound so heavenly! Take a look at this, and tell me you don't feel the same way!?.... christmas cookie, christmas eve, christmas memories, cinnamon stick, honey & spice, merry marshmallow, november rain, salted caramel, snowflake cookie, strawberry buttercream... the list goes on!
As you have probably guessed from my exceptional enthusiasm towards this product.... I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT, and would really recommend it to anyone who loves wonderful smells as much as I do. Who wouldn't want their room/house to smell nice!? A wonderful christmas gift? I think so!
-Alyssa xo
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Time for a Laid Back Weekend!
This weekend is the perfect time for me to just write, write, write about whatever I please because I have all the time in the world! My weekend plans consist of lounging around in my oversized PJs, sipping on my favorite hot drinks (green tea and cola cao, I may even nip down to a coffee shop and enjoy myself a nice christmassy latte), indulging in mince pies (let the season for mince pies commence!), watching one of my all time favourite t.v series (The Vampire Diaries!...Which if you haven't seen before.. you really are missing out! Just saying... ^^), doing some extra psychology reading and note making (always fun for me!...And I'm not even kidding ^^), and blogging away to my hearts content! Sounds like quite a cosy little weekend doesn't it?
I've been wanting to give you a personal update for a little while now, so I guess now's my chance! ...
My exams have come and gone, Hallelujah! In fact I already have two of my grades back, both of which i'm really happy about and proud of, which is a great feeling because these are my first grades back this year! However, (yes, unfortunately there is a but here...) my other two exams, which I haven't yet got my grades back for, went horribly, and I know I didn't do very well on them. It made me quite upset because there's a lot of pressure this year to do well because unlike first year, all of my grades actually count towards my final degree classification... how scary is that!? But I guess what's done is done. I worked really hard, every day for three weeks, some days I was in the library for up to ten hours! The library certainly did become yet another place for me to call home! ^^
To celebrate the end of exams on friday, my friends and I went to a house party. It was so nice to have just a few hours of FUN (shocking news right isn't all just work, work, work in university you know!?).
My beautiful Lucy <3
Welcome to a British University everybody! British University students are notorious drinkers! Thought I'd give you a little bit of evidence for this well known beastly behavioral fact...
As you can see, I am the one TAKING the photo rather than being IN the photo... what a good girl I am...learn from ME boys and girls... do not try this at home! ^^
Although friday night was an excusable night off (what with it being the end of exams and all... work hard play hard, right?), it was back to work on saturday night (saturday day was a total write off, I mean the day after a night out always is isn't it? ^^) and sunday.... because I had an assignment due on monday! -.-
What made my sunday all the more bearable was being able to see the gorgeous Maisie (I really think she looks like Mila Kunis!?). Maisie and I became friends just before we broke up for our summer holiday. I wish we had spent time together before the end of the academic year, because we get along so well, and we became really good friends within just a couple of weeks! Maisie is living in Spain this year, for her year abroad, and therefore it was so nice when she came back to Bangor for the weekend and we were able to have lunch together. I look forward for her return to Bangor for the next academic year, and being able to grow closer in friendship with her.
I've been wanting to give you a personal update for a little while now, so I guess now's my chance! ...
My exams have come and gone, Hallelujah! In fact I already have two of my grades back, both of which i'm really happy about and proud of, which is a great feeling because these are my first grades back this year! However, (yes, unfortunately there is a but here...) my other two exams, which I haven't yet got my grades back for, went horribly, and I know I didn't do very well on them. It made me quite upset because there's a lot of pressure this year to do well because unlike first year, all of my grades actually count towards my final degree classification... how scary is that!? But I guess what's done is done. I worked really hard, every day for three weeks, some days I was in the library for up to ten hours! The library certainly did become yet another place for me to call home! ^^
To celebrate the end of exams on friday, my friends and I went to a house party. It was so nice to have just a few hours of FUN (shocking news right isn't all just work, work, work in university you know!?).
My beautiful Lucy <3
Welcome to a British University everybody! British University students are notorious drinkers! Thought I'd give you a little bit of evidence for this well known beastly behavioral fact...
As you can see, I am the one TAKING the photo rather than being IN the photo... what a good girl I am...learn from ME boys and girls... do not try this at home! ^^
Although friday night was an excusable night off (what with it being the end of exams and all... work hard play hard, right?), it was back to work on saturday night (saturday day was a total write off, I mean the day after a night out always is isn't it? ^^) and sunday.... because I had an assignment due on monday! -.-
What made my sunday all the more bearable was being able to see the gorgeous Maisie (I really think she looks like Mila Kunis!?). Maisie and I became friends just before we broke up for our summer holiday. I wish we had spent time together before the end of the academic year, because we get along so well, and we became really good friends within just a couple of weeks! Maisie is living in Spain this year, for her year abroad, and therefore it was so nice when she came back to Bangor for the weekend and we were able to have lunch together. I look forward for her return to Bangor for the next academic year, and being able to grow closer in friendship with her.
I made a post on Monday about mine and Logan's anniversary (you can read about it here), however I forgot to show you the gift that he sent me for it! I love it so much! I bought myself a pandora bracelet (which I had been wanting for years) when I was in the U.S over the summer, and one charm to go with it to represent my month in the U.S with Logan. So there my little charm was... hanging out all alone on my bracelet, making my bracelet look pretty pathetic next to the ones of my friends (which are full of charms), but now... I have TWO charms, and my charm doesn't look like such a loner anymore ^^ But anyway... besides the point... it's such a beautiful charm! He explained the symbolism behind it (because I told him when I bought the bracelet that I only wanted to buy charms for it that had meaning to me, and that symbolized something special in my life)...he told me the reason he chose this charm is because it's intertwinedness (I know... i'm becoming increasingly worse at making up new words ^^) symbolizes the four years we've been entwined in each others lives (how cute is that!?). And to make it all the more special, the stone dangling from the charm is amethyst, which is both of our birth stones (we're born one day apart! ^^).
If you actually finished reading this post... a big thank you and a mahussive congratulations because I don't know how you managed to stick around to the end... as this was probably one of the most rambly posts i've ever written! ^^ That's the beauty of having nothing to do, I can just blubber on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on... okay i'll stop now (wow i'm annoying today... good job i'm hibernating in my bedroom and not out and about pestering my friends, otherwise I'd have none left by the end of this weekend...!).
I hope you're just as excited for your weekend as I am mine!
-Alyssa xo
Friday, 22 November 2013
A Perfect Day for Alyssa: Horses and Cakes!
I had such a super lovely day on wednesday ^^ The A horse riding team had a competition against a few other university teams and I went with a few friends to go and support, take photos and have a bake sale to raise money for Riding for the Disabled (RDA). RDA is a charity which I have been greatly involved with for the past year and a half. It helps children and adults with mental and physical disabilities to ride horses, which provides them with a fun form of a therapeutic activity. Last year, Emma and I went to Anglesey Riding Center every wednesday to help out with RDA, and then to have a one hour riding lesson afterwards. It was always such a nice day for us both ^^ This year I am co-running Bangor University's (my university ^^) involvement with RDA, however sadly I have lectures every wednesday this year and have only been able to attend one RDA session, Emma and I are gutted!
Anyway... Here are a few photos that I took during the competition, and a video ^^
My beautiful Lucy <3 Notice how we're all bundled up with layers upon layers of clothes... yeah well that's because it was FREEZING. We couldn't feel our feet the entire time we were there, and we were convinced our toes would have fallen off by the time we got back home to Bangor, thankfully we were relieved to find that our toes, were indeed, still in tact when we got home ^^
Emma, Jess, Alice and Lucy <3 Notice Alice's drawn on mustache!? Bless her, she's had this mustache painted on this entire November! You may be wondering why... well she's been wearing it for Movember. For those of you who don't know what Movember is... it is an annual month (November) long event that involves growing a mustache to raise awareness about male health issues, such as prostate cancer. As Alice (being a girl and all ^^) can't grow her own mustache, she decided to draw one on and wear it for the entire month, with people sponsoring her to do so. The money she raises will then be donated to the Movember Foundation Charity.
The RDA bake sale table! .... yum!?
I had such a lovely time on wednesday, and I can't wait for the next riding event! Hopefully next time I will be able to capture some better photos, as all of mine this time round didn't really turn out well... most of them were blurry! I really need to learn how to use my camera... I've had it for three years now (oops...!).
Thanks for reading guys! I hope you all have a lovely weekend, take care... and don't forget to have fun!
-Alyssa xo
Monday, 18 November 2013
Four Years and Counting!
Today is an incredibly important day for both Logan and I... it's our four year anniversary! ^^ I can't believe it's already been four years since we were cosily cuddling (it was raining... the even more cosy! ^^) at the bus stop by my house in Singapore, where we decided to allow our friendship to bloom into a beautiful love relationship. Four years! That's pretty much a quarter of my entire life! The past four years have been beyond incredible for me, and that really is mainly down to Logan. I thought today would be a perfect day to let my inner cheese shine, and allow myself to make the cheesiest blog post of all eternity!
Let me tell you where it all began. The beginning of Logan and I! We met on a bus, bus number 14, on the way home from school (in Singapore). I (aged 14) was sitting at the front of the bus, by myself, like a loner, when somebody from my math class called me over to sit with her and the group of people she was sitting with. One of them was Logan. I had a boyfriend at the time, so our first meet wasn't a cheesy romantic story that you see in the movies (... but it does get there trust me... wait for it! ^^). All I remember of our first meet was him hiding behind his afro of hair (he had super curly hair.. so cute ^^) and introducing himself to me.
I remember seeing him around school throughout the week after we met, and I remember this one particular instance thinking how cool he was and how I wanted to be his friend. I found out that he was actually friends with my boyfriend at the time, and we started taking the bus home together. Throughout the rest of the year (my ninth grade) we became good friends, due to the many hours we spent on the bus chit chatting away (mostly about Logan's girl related issues... how ironic! ^^).
The following school year (grade 10), in which I was now single, as was he. We became really good friends. I spent every weekend with Logan, and we always had such a fun time. We were incredibly similar, so similar in fact that I felt that he was like a boy version of me! ^^ Logan started to grow feelings for me, however I didn't feel the same way, he asked me out and (STUPIDLY) I said no. Although I say stupidly, I am actually very glad that things worked out that way, because after this moment we grew even closer. I could tell Logan anything and everything. He became more than just a best friend, he became someone who could pretty much read my mind, and knew just the right things to do and say when I was upset without me needing to tell him. He was there for me like no-one has ever been there for me before, and it was on the basis of true intimacy that I began growing feelings for him.
I remember one of the first few instances where I started thinking to myself 'hey, Logan and I could be really great together, I wonder what it would be like to just kiss him?'. We went to East Coast Park (in Singapore, near my house) and we were just laying on the beach, Logan with his guitar (which I am a complete sucker for... every single time, without fail... I CRY when he plays the guitar for me), laying under the nights sky, watching this incredible lightening storm take place over the sea. It started to rain and he huddled under an umbrella, and I was just so happy... Later that night we went to the east coast park hawker center (I miss east coast hawker so much!), and there were a group of drunken men (happy ones not scary ones ^^) who offered Logan a beer if he played a song for them on his guitar. So he did. And oh my god, my heart just melted. I will never forget that moment! I recorded it on my camera, and I really wish I could share it with you however I don't know whether I still have it, and if so I have no idea where it is unfortunately! But I remember just watching him play his guitar and singing for all these people, a big smile on his face, him looking up at me standing in the back of the crowd with the warmest eyes, and my heart just m.e.l.t.e.d, and I thought 'I REALLY HAVE TO KISS THIS BOY'. I told him later that night as we were lying on the grass watching the wake boarders on the water at Ski360, that if it were a perfect world we would be together.
A few days later, November 14th 2009 we had our first kiss! ^^ And then four days later, November 18th 2009, we made it official... and it sure was by far, the best decision of my life! Because if I had never made that decision to take that chance (to risk our friendship for something more) I wouldn't be sitting here right now all snuggled up in bed, writing this post full of happiness and a mind full of such wonderful, beautiful memories that Logan and our relationship has given me!
We had seven months living in the same country (Singapore) as a couple before having to begin our long distance relationship. It was one of the hardest days of my life, the day Logan moved to America for college, the day that marked the start of our long distance relationship. The first year was the most difficult, I missed him so much, and the time difference (13/14 hours) made it all the worse. He was amazing though, waking up every day way too early just so that we were able to talk. Our first time living apart was the longest (thankfully!) that we've ever had to be apart... seven months! When he came back to Singapore for the Christmas holiday it was amazing. Those five weeks reassured us both that although we spent so long apart, that small amount of time that we did get to be together, were just so worth it. The time I spend with Logan is always the best of my life. He makes me so happy, and our memories are priceless.
There are so many happy memories that I would love to share with you all, however four years is a long time, and it would take me about four years to be able to cover all of them! So I thought I'd just share with you a few photos from over the years (starting from the beginning till now ^^)....
Our 1st year together
First month (Singapore) - decorating Logan's room for christmas!

East Coast Park Picnic (Singapore)- This was such a lovely day. We had an all day picnic that was literally like 12 hours long! Logan brought his guitar along and we had prepared food, and we just chilled out all day ^^
Starbucks (I think!) (Singapore)- this was the day of our 6 months! How cute ^^

East Coast Park (Singapore)
Our Second Year Together
Christmas holiday 2010 (Singapore). Our first reunion period!
Our Third Year Together
Having ditched the club in Clarke Quay (Singapore) and gone to a quiet cafe instead (as always ^^) - these nights were also so lovely. Summer 2012- the last time we would be in Singapore together!
Kallang Leisure Park (Singapore)- our second home! We went to Kallang EVERY (without fail, apart from our last saturday together in Singapore, which I regret immensely!) single saturday night to go to subway for dinner followed by the cinema ^^

The night my IB exams finished (Singapore)!

My graduation trip (Koh Samui, Thailand)! This was such an amazing holiday and i'm so glad that Logan was there to make it even more special for me :)
Our Fourth Year Together
Christmas holiday (Spain)- Logan flew to Spain to stay with my family and I for new years. He's spent every one of the four new years we've had together with my family and I, and just because neither of our families lived in Singapore anymore, didn't mean he wasn't going to make sure he was with me to start off 2013!
Climbing Mount Snowdon (summer 2013) (Wales)
Summer 2013 (America)- my first time in America! It was such an amazing month, and I blogged my entire stay there, so if you want to you can check it out here.
Let me tell you where it all began. The beginning of Logan and I! We met on a bus, bus number 14, on the way home from school (in Singapore). I (aged 14) was sitting at the front of the bus, by myself, like a loner, when somebody from my math class called me over to sit with her and the group of people she was sitting with. One of them was Logan. I had a boyfriend at the time, so our first meet wasn't a cheesy romantic story that you see in the movies (... but it does get there trust me... wait for it! ^^). All I remember of our first meet was him hiding behind his afro of hair (he had super curly hair.. so cute ^^) and introducing himself to me.
I remember seeing him around school throughout the week after we met, and I remember this one particular instance thinking how cool he was and how I wanted to be his friend. I found out that he was actually friends with my boyfriend at the time, and we started taking the bus home together. Throughout the rest of the year (my ninth grade) we became good friends, due to the many hours we spent on the bus chit chatting away (mostly about Logan's girl related issues... how ironic! ^^).
The following school year (grade 10), in which I was now single, as was he. We became really good friends. I spent every weekend with Logan, and we always had such a fun time. We were incredibly similar, so similar in fact that I felt that he was like a boy version of me! ^^ Logan started to grow feelings for me, however I didn't feel the same way, he asked me out and (STUPIDLY) I said no. Although I say stupidly, I am actually very glad that things worked out that way, because after this moment we grew even closer. I could tell Logan anything and everything. He became more than just a best friend, he became someone who could pretty much read my mind, and knew just the right things to do and say when I was upset without me needing to tell him. He was there for me like no-one has ever been there for me before, and it was on the basis of true intimacy that I began growing feelings for him.
I remember one of the first few instances where I started thinking to myself 'hey, Logan and I could be really great together, I wonder what it would be like to just kiss him?'. We went to East Coast Park (in Singapore, near my house) and we were just laying on the beach, Logan with his guitar (which I am a complete sucker for... every single time, without fail... I CRY when he plays the guitar for me), laying under the nights sky, watching this incredible lightening storm take place over the sea. It started to rain and he huddled under an umbrella, and I was just so happy... Later that night we went to the east coast park hawker center (I miss east coast hawker so much!), and there were a group of drunken men (happy ones not scary ones ^^) who offered Logan a beer if he played a song for them on his guitar. So he did. And oh my god, my heart just melted. I will never forget that moment! I recorded it on my camera, and I really wish I could share it with you however I don't know whether I still have it, and if so I have no idea where it is unfortunately! But I remember just watching him play his guitar and singing for all these people, a big smile on his face, him looking up at me standing in the back of the crowd with the warmest eyes, and my heart just m.e.l.t.e.d, and I thought 'I REALLY HAVE TO KISS THIS BOY'. I told him later that night as we were lying on the grass watching the wake boarders on the water at Ski360, that if it were a perfect world we would be together.
A few days later, November 14th 2009 we had our first kiss! ^^ And then four days later, November 18th 2009, we made it official... and it sure was by far, the best decision of my life! Because if I had never made that decision to take that chance (to risk our friendship for something more) I wouldn't be sitting here right now all snuggled up in bed, writing this post full of happiness and a mind full of such wonderful, beautiful memories that Logan and our relationship has given me!
We had seven months living in the same country (Singapore) as a couple before having to begin our long distance relationship. It was one of the hardest days of my life, the day Logan moved to America for college, the day that marked the start of our long distance relationship. The first year was the most difficult, I missed him so much, and the time difference (13/14 hours) made it all the worse. He was amazing though, waking up every day way too early just so that we were able to talk. Our first time living apart was the longest (thankfully!) that we've ever had to be apart... seven months! When he came back to Singapore for the Christmas holiday it was amazing. Those five weeks reassured us both that although we spent so long apart, that small amount of time that we did get to be together, were just so worth it. The time I spend with Logan is always the best of my life. He makes me so happy, and our memories are priceless.
There are so many happy memories that I would love to share with you all, however four years is a long time, and it would take me about four years to be able to cover all of them! So I thought I'd just share with you a few photos from over the years (starting from the beginning till now ^^)....
Our 1st year together
First month (Singapore) - decorating Logan's room for christmas!

East Coast Park Picnic (Singapore)- This was such a lovely day. We had an all day picnic that was literally like 12 hours long! Logan brought his guitar along and we had prepared food, and we just chilled out all day ^^
Starbucks (I think!) (Singapore)- this was the day of our 6 months! How cute ^^

East Coast Park (Singapore)
Christmas holiday 2010 (Singapore). Our first reunion period!
East Coast Park (Singapore)- summer 2011
Our Third Year Together
Having ditched the club in Clarke Quay (Singapore) and gone to a quiet cafe instead (as always ^^) - these nights were also so lovely. Summer 2012- the last time we would be in Singapore together!
Kallang Leisure Park (Singapore)- our second home! We went to Kallang EVERY (without fail, apart from our last saturday together in Singapore, which I regret immensely!) single saturday night to go to subway for dinner followed by the cinema ^^

The night my IB exams finished (Singapore)!

My graduation trip (Koh Samui, Thailand)! This was such an amazing holiday and i'm so glad that Logan was there to make it even more special for me :)
Our Fourth Year Together
Christmas holiday (Spain)- Logan flew to Spain to stay with my family and I for new years. He's spent every one of the four new years we've had together with my family and I, and just because neither of our families lived in Singapore anymore, didn't mean he wasn't going to make sure he was with me to start off 2013!
Climbing Mount Snowdon (summer 2013) (Wales)
Summer 2013 (America)- my first time in America! It was such an amazing month, and I blogged my entire stay there, so if you want to you can check it out here.
As you can see Logan and I have had some wonderful times together. I love being with him, and i'm the happiest girl in the world when I am. He understands me like no other, and is always there for me no matter what. His love puts me on top of the world and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Although we have very limited time together, the time that we do have is always very much worth the wait. I miss him loads but I cannot wait to be back in his arms come December!
-Alyssa xo
Thursday, 7 November 2013
¡Hola desde España!
!Hola chicos! I'm currently back at home in nice sunny Spain, and I am so not looking forward to going back to dark rainy Wales tomorrow -.- Mostly because I don't want to go back to exams! I'm so stressed about exams, and preparing for them is literally all I've been doing this past week at home. I've only left the house (other than walking the dogs around the block) twice this whole week since I've been home! ... Lunch with my family on sunday, and breakfast at a churreria in La Linea this morning.
I've been at home in Spain since friday for reading week (my week off to study for exams), and although I've been studying my butt off this week, i've had such a lovely week. When I left Spain to go back to the UK for the new academic school year in September, I thought I wouldn't be back home until Christmas, and so this visit was totally unexpected and spontaneous. It's been so nice to just be at home with my family. I've enjoyed sleeping in my own bed, and being in my cosy little bedroom. I've loved being looked after by my parents and having a solid routine back in my life (even if only for a week... I really needed it)... waking up early like I used to do when I was in school, studying until lunch, having lunch with my parents, studying again, having 'tea time' (yes, i'm oh so very traditionally british in that sense ^^) with my parents and my sister when she gets home from school, studying YET again, having a wonderfully delicious and nutritious meal cooked by mummy, studying yet ONE LAST TIME, then sitting in my pj's in front of the telly, munching on chocolate and sipping green tea with my family <3 Super cosy week I've had... and to me it was quite perfect ^^ I love studying (being the nerd that I've always been) because it makes me feel productive, and makes me feel like I'm actually doing something important with my time. And being the ultimate creature of habit I love having a routine to my day ... in fact I kind of NEED to have a routine, i've realized that this year whilst being back in Wales living by myself... when I don't have a routine I get slightly miserable!
So although I haven't had a very eventful week, I still wanted to write a post about it, because its been super lovely, and it's been incredibly helpful in making me feel better about things and getting me back on track! ^^ Although I'm not quite ready to leave home again, I know i'll be back soon and I'm already extremely excited about coming back for christmas! But for the mean time, i've got plenty to keep me preoccupied in Wales; exams and assignments, and plenty to keep me happy and entertained; my wonderful friends, netball practice, horse riding, and upcoming christmas events (which I cannot withhold my excitement for! Eekk!! ^^).
Hasta pronto España, ¡Te quiero!
-Alyssa xo
p.s churros was divine this morning ^^
I've been at home in Spain since friday for reading week (my week off to study for exams), and although I've been studying my butt off this week, i've had such a lovely week. When I left Spain to go back to the UK for the new academic school year in September, I thought I wouldn't be back home until Christmas, and so this visit was totally unexpected and spontaneous. It's been so nice to just be at home with my family. I've enjoyed sleeping in my own bed, and being in my cosy little bedroom. I've loved being looked after by my parents and having a solid routine back in my life (even if only for a week... I really needed it)... waking up early like I used to do when I was in school, studying until lunch, having lunch with my parents, studying again, having 'tea time' (yes, i'm oh so very traditionally british in that sense ^^) with my parents and my sister when she gets home from school, studying YET again, having a wonderfully delicious and nutritious meal cooked by mummy, studying yet ONE LAST TIME, then sitting in my pj's in front of the telly, munching on chocolate and sipping green tea with my family <3 Super cosy week I've had... and to me it was quite perfect ^^ I love studying (being the nerd that I've always been) because it makes me feel productive, and makes me feel like I'm actually doing something important with my time. And being the ultimate creature of habit I love having a routine to my day ... in fact I kind of NEED to have a routine, i've realized that this year whilst being back in Wales living by myself... when I don't have a routine I get slightly miserable!
So although I haven't had a very eventful week, I still wanted to write a post about it, because its been super lovely, and it's been incredibly helpful in making me feel better about things and getting me back on track! ^^ Although I'm not quite ready to leave home again, I know i'll be back soon and I'm already extremely excited about coming back for christmas! But for the mean time, i've got plenty to keep me preoccupied in Wales; exams and assignments, and plenty to keep me happy and entertained; my wonderful friends, netball practice, horse riding, and upcoming christmas events (which I cannot withhold my excitement for! Eekk!! ^^).
Hasta pronto España, ¡Te quiero!
-Alyssa xo
p.s churros was divine this morning ^^
Friday, 1 November 2013
Okay, so I have a million and one things I need to be doing right now, but my priorities have to be put on hold right now, because I HAVE to tell you about my halloween celebrations... because it was so much fun! ^^
I was planning on dressing up as a vampire... however the fangs I bought didn't fit my mouth properly, they were too big, and well having a thin upper lip really didn't help the situation -.- Therefore... I decided to ditch the fangs and just be a 'transforming' vampire, one who hadn't grown her fangs yet... smart huh? ;)
I had a really great night out with my friends... my uni family as they are also known as ^^ As I haven't had alcohol in quite a while, my alcohol intolerance has become quite a laughable joke. It didn't help that I was overly excited about the fact that it was halloween and that I would be finally going out with my friends again for what seems to be a very rare occasion this year!
On to the good stuff... the photos! ^^
Beth, Lucy and I.
The girls <3
The uni family <3

Alex and I.
Emma and Alex. I love this photo! Defo best picture of the night!
Hope you all had an exciting halloween!
-Alyssa xo
I was planning on dressing up as a vampire... however the fangs I bought didn't fit my mouth properly, they were too big, and well having a thin upper lip really didn't help the situation -.- Therefore... I decided to ditch the fangs and just be a 'transforming' vampire, one who hadn't grown her fangs yet... smart huh? ;)
I had a really great night out with my friends... my uni family as they are also known as ^^ As I haven't had alcohol in quite a while, my alcohol intolerance has become quite a laughable joke. It didn't help that I was overly excited about the fact that it was halloween and that I would be finally going out with my friends again for what seems to be a very rare occasion this year!
On to the good stuff... the photos! ^^
My girl friends still managing to look beautiful when trying to look scary! Sarah the sexy cat woman, Beth the broken doll, and Lucy and zombie cheerleader.
Brian the zombie.Beth, Lucy and I.
The girls <3
The uni family <3
Beth's such a cutie ^^
Brian and I.Emma and Alex. I love this photo! Defo best picture of the night!
Hope you all had an exciting halloween!
-Alyssa xo
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