Let me tell you where it all began. The beginning of Logan and I! We met on a bus, bus number 14, on the way home from school (in Singapore). I (aged 14) was sitting at the front of the bus, by myself, like a loner, when somebody from my math class called me over to sit with her and the group of people she was sitting with. One of them was Logan. I had a boyfriend at the time, so our first meet wasn't a cheesy romantic story that you see in the movies (... but it does get there trust me... wait for it! ^^). All I remember of our first meet was him hiding behind his afro of hair (he had super curly hair.. so cute ^^) and introducing himself to me.
I remember seeing him around school throughout the week after we met, and I remember this one particular instance thinking how cool he was and how I wanted to be his friend. I found out that he was actually friends with my boyfriend at the time, and we started taking the bus home together. Throughout the rest of the year (my ninth grade) we became good friends, due to the many hours we spent on the bus chit chatting away (mostly about Logan's girl related issues... how ironic! ^^).
The following school year (grade 10), in which I was now single, as was he. We became really good friends. I spent every weekend with Logan, and we always had such a fun time. We were incredibly similar, so similar in fact that I felt that he was like a boy version of me! ^^ Logan started to grow feelings for me, however I didn't feel the same way, he asked me out and (STUPIDLY) I said no. Although I say stupidly, I am actually very glad that things worked out that way, because after this moment we grew even closer. I could tell Logan anything and everything. He became more than just a best friend, he became someone who could pretty much read my mind, and knew just the right things to do and say when I was upset without me needing to tell him. He was there for me like no-one has ever been there for me before, and it was on the basis of true intimacy that I began growing feelings for him.
I remember one of the first few instances where I started thinking to myself 'hey, Logan and I could be really great together, I wonder what it would be like to just kiss him?'. We went to East Coast Park (in Singapore, near my house) and we were just laying on the beach, Logan with his guitar (which I am a complete sucker for... every single time, without fail... I CRY when he plays the guitar for me), laying under the nights sky, watching this incredible lightening storm take place over the sea. It started to rain and he huddled under an umbrella, and I was just so happy... Later that night we went to the east coast park hawker center (I miss east coast hawker so much!), and there were a group of drunken men (happy ones not scary ones ^^) who offered Logan a beer if he played a song for them on his guitar. So he did. And oh my god, my heart just melted. I will never forget that moment! I recorded it on my camera, and I really wish I could share it with you however I don't know whether I still have it, and if so I have no idea where it is unfortunately! But I remember just watching him play his guitar and singing for all these people, a big smile on his face, him looking up at me standing in the back of the crowd with the warmest eyes, and my heart just m.e.l.t.e.d, and I thought 'I REALLY HAVE TO KISS THIS BOY'. I told him later that night as we were lying on the grass watching the wake boarders on the water at Ski360, that if it were a perfect world we would be together.
A few days later, November 14th 2009 we had our first kiss! ^^ And then four days later, November 18th 2009, we made it official... and it sure was by far, the best decision of my life! Because if I had never made that decision to take that chance (to risk our friendship for something more) I wouldn't be sitting here right now all snuggled up in bed, writing this post full of happiness and a mind full of such wonderful, beautiful memories that Logan and our relationship has given me!
We had seven months living in the same country (Singapore) as a couple before having to begin our long distance relationship. It was one of the hardest days of my life, the day Logan moved to America for college, the day that marked the start of our long distance relationship. The first year was the most difficult, I missed him so much, and the time difference (13/14 hours) made it all the worse. He was amazing though, waking up every day way too early just so that we were able to talk. Our first time living apart was the longest (thankfully!) that we've ever had to be apart... seven months! When he came back to Singapore for the Christmas holiday it was amazing. Those five weeks reassured us both that although we spent so long apart, that small amount of time that we did get to be together, were just so worth it. The time I spend with Logan is always the best of my life. He makes me so happy, and our memories are priceless.
There are so many happy memories that I would love to share with you all, however four years is a long time, and it would take me about four years to be able to cover all of them! So I thought I'd just share with you a few photos from over the years (starting from the beginning till now ^^)....
Our 1st year together
First month (Singapore) - decorating Logan's room for christmas!

East Coast Park Picnic (Singapore)- This was such a lovely day. We had an all day picnic that was literally like 12 hours long! Logan brought his guitar along and we had prepared food, and we just chilled out all day ^^
Starbucks (I think!) (Singapore)- this was the day of our 6 months! How cute ^^

East Coast Park (Singapore)
Christmas holiday 2010 (Singapore). Our first reunion period!
East Coast Park (Singapore)- summer 2011
Our Third Year Together
Having ditched the club in Clarke Quay (Singapore) and gone to a quiet cafe instead (as always ^^) - these nights were also so lovely. Summer 2012- the last time we would be in Singapore together!
Kallang Leisure Park (Singapore)- our second home! We went to Kallang EVERY (without fail, apart from our last saturday together in Singapore, which I regret immensely!) single saturday night to go to subway for dinner followed by the cinema ^^

The night my IB exams finished (Singapore)!

My graduation trip (Koh Samui, Thailand)! This was such an amazing holiday and i'm so glad that Logan was there to make it even more special for me :)
Our Fourth Year Together
Christmas holiday (Spain)- Logan flew to Spain to stay with my family and I for new years. He's spent every one of the four new years we've had together with my family and I, and just because neither of our families lived in Singapore anymore, didn't mean he wasn't going to make sure he was with me to start off 2013!
Climbing Mount Snowdon (summer 2013) (Wales)
Summer 2013 (America)- my first time in America! It was such an amazing month, and I blogged my entire stay there, so if you want to you can check it out here.
As you can see Logan and I have had some wonderful times together. I love being with him, and i'm the happiest girl in the world when I am. He understands me like no other, and is always there for me no matter what. His love puts me on top of the world and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Although we have very limited time together, the time that we do have is always very much worth the wait. I miss him loads but I cannot wait to be back in his arms come December!
-Alyssa xo
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