Logan's back in Spain with me! He got here on the 28th (the day after I got back to Cádiz from Granada) and I had butterflies in my tummy all day from excitement and anticipation ^^ It's so nice having him here to cuddle again and create more wonderful memories with. It's only our third night back together but it feels like we've already made a bundle of new memories! That's one of the perks of being in a long distance relationship.. the limited time that you do spend together is appreciated so much more, the experiences you share are heightened and the memories you create are invaluable.
Whenever I experience something whilst Logan and I are apart I always wish that he were there to experience it with me, and always dream to bring him to the places I've been and experience the things I have enjoyed. So that's exactly what I got to do yesterday! Logan and I and my family went to a cute little restaurant in San Roque for lunch that I've been to a couple of times before and wanted to bring Logan to at some point. The restaurant is called Restaurante Cortijo Guadacorte and it used to be a horse stables, which is probably a big reason why I like it so much ^^ The food is really good but it's the cosy atmosphere of the place that I love so much about it!
Mi rollitos de queso con hijos... delicious!

Chloe looking gorgeous as always!
My handsome man <3
Mi Ensalada.
Spanish coffee never disappoints me, it's delicious!
Mis padres y mis abuelitos <3
I'm so happy to be back with my bestie, and I'm so excited to end yet another year and begin a brand new one with such an incredible person who means more than the world to me <3
Have a very happy new year everybody! May 2014 bring you much love, great health, and lots of laughter and happiness <3
-Alyssa xo