I have been so incredibly busy these past two weeks, and consequently I haven't been able to write a blog post in so long! So although it's 1am here, and I can feel my eyelids slowly getting heavier, I'm going to keep myself as conscious as I possibly can, because I have been itching to write a new post ever since my last, which was f.o.r.e.v.e.r ago!
So since my last post, I've had a plethora of Christmas meals... four to be exact (three of them in a row!) ^^
My first Christmas meal of the year was spent with such lovely jubbly people... the wonderful members of the horse riding club! We went to Varsity, and spurlged on a three course meal. Being the university students that we are... a three course meal cooked by somebody else is always going to be highly appreciated! My stomach was certainly given a work out with all that food! Not that I'm complaining.. ^^

My Emmy and I <3
Beth, Rachel and I <3
... Sorry to scare you with this creepy photo (#iphone flash problems)... We aren't aliens, vampires or anything super natural of the sort... I promise! ^^
The Christmas meal with the riding club did a perfect job in paving the way (by forewarning my stomach! ^^) for the three consecutive Christmas meals that were to follow!
Next up was the RDA Christmas meal (wednesday night). As you may already know, I volunteer at the charity Riding for the Disabled, in which volunteers help children and adults with physical and/or mental disabilities to ride horses. It certainly holds a special place in my heart, which was why the meal on wednesday night with the other RDA volunteers was so lovely! We went to a Welsh pub in Anglesey, and it was so nice to get out of Bangor for a couple of hours ^^
Mis chicas guapas, Emma y Lucy <3
Tug of war with the Christmas cracker!
If you haven't noticed already... I've not been having turkey Christmas dinner... because it's my first Christmas as a pescatarian! It's going to be so strange having my 'real' Christmas dinner on Christmas eve without eating turkey!.... But so far so good ^^
My Jam Roly Poly absolutely covered in custard... certainly didn't make a pretty picture.. ^^
But Lucy's cheesecake was a whole 'nother story! That's some sexy looking food right there!... yum!?
I most certainly enjoyed my second Christmas meal of the year with the RDA volunteers, I'm already looking forward to next years!
Thursday night was the night of my third Christmas dinner! I had a beyond wonderful time, and I'm truly not exaggerating! This Christmas meal was with the members of the Hergest project (which I am so excited to tell you about now! ^^)... The Hergest Project is a student run volunteering project, where a group of students are fortunate enough (YES I'M FINALLY ONE OF THOSE LUCKY ONES! ^^) to go once a week to the local mental health unit, to socialize and entertain the patients on the ward. It's the most competitive volunteering project in Bangor University, and I got lucky on my third interview, and am now officially a part of the group! I cannot contain my excitement and enthusiasm about the fact that I get to start volunteering at the unit after the Christmas holiday ^^ It has been my ultimate dream since I was about thirteen/fourteen to become a clinical psychologist, and to work with those who suffer from mental illness... which is why i'm over the moon to have been given this opportunity for me to gain my first experience to work with patients! The reason why the meal was so lovely was because it gave me a chance to get to know everybody in the group, and everybody is so nice! Lucy and I (Lucy's in the group too! ^^) were saying after the meal how we've never connected with a group of people so quickly as we had with the Hergest group during that meal! Getting to know everyone has made me all the more excited to get started! ^^
As we spent the night mingling, I decided to be polite and keep my phone, and therefore camera, tucked away in my bag. However, I did manage to sneak a photo of my first Christmas pudding with brandy sauce of the year!
Oh, and Lucy and I took advantage of our trip away to the bathroom and took an obligatory mirror selfie.. ^^
And last but not least...last night was the family Christmas meal! When I say family I'm referring to my university friends, aka my family away from home. Alex and Rob cooked everything, with help from Emma, and they did such a great job! We were all so proud of them :')
Here they are... hard at work... ^^
For starters we had prawn cocktail, which was delish ^^
Entertaining ourselves whilst we wait like royalty for le chefs to finish cooking mains and join us at the table so that we can dig in to our starters!...
Brian and I by our cute little Christmas tree ^^
Dinner is served!
Brian wins cheesiest Christmas photo of the night I think ^^
It was so lovely to spend the evening with my little family... (actually not that little, seeing as theres nine of us! ^^), and although I'm super excited to go back home to Spain for Christmas, I have to admit I'm gonna miss this bunch of cheekies!
I think it's quite incredible that I can still safely say that i'm looking forward to yet another Christmas dinner, this time, the real thing on Christmas eve! I'm so excited for Christmas this year, and I just cannot wait to go home, spend time with my family and give my dogs plenty of cosy cuddles on the sofa by the fireplace <3
I hope your December has been as festive as mine, and if not, theres still plenty of time left to get in the Christmas spirit!
-Alyssa xo
p.s Gizmo's just as ready for Christmas as I am ^^
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