Sunday, 19 January 2014

Casares With My Love

The only constant thing that Logan and I ever seem to have these days are the all too familiar sights of planes, trains and automobiles, that transport us to and from our (seemingly) never settled homes. 

Although I complain quite a bit ( a bit too much) about never feeling settled, between (what feels like) my three homes (Singapore, Spain and Wales), really (deep down inside) I relish the fact that I have many homes rather than just one. Although it's never a nice feeling saying goodbye to your loved ones at the airport departure gates (with the sharing of tight hugs, and consequently... tear filled eyes), closing a door only leaves excitement for reopening it. 

I've had such a lovely time these past few weeks... in Spain with both my family and Logan, and back in Bangor (this past week) spending quality time with Logan. Logan left for the airport a few hours ago, and saying goodbye was just as hard as it always is. Even though I already feel lost and lonely without him here by my side, and although I already miss his cuddles and his laugh, more importantly I'm just grateful for yet another amazing holiday we had the chance to spend together.

A thousand more memories were made these past few weeks between Logan and I, and whilst Logan is up 30,000 feet in the sky above me, on his way across the pacific ocean, I can't think of anything more suited for me to do then to spend these first few hours of raw emotion and reminiscent state looking back on the time that we spent together, and what better way to do that then by blogging about it!

 Top on my 'to blog list'... our day trip to the beautiful Spanish village: Casares!

Casares is by far one of the most beautifully scenic places Logan and I have been to together. The view overlooking the traditional Spanish white village is gorgeous, these photos really don't do it justice!
It was quite impossible for Logan and I not to have a whale of a time in Casares with our cameras, there was just so much worth capturing.
Casares doesn't only look pretty from the outside, no sir-ee, it's incredibly charming within the village walls as well.
I can only imagine how even more beautiful this little village is at night time, when all the lamps and decorations are glistening and lighting up the quaint narrow streets that are surrounded by traditionally white, rustic Spanish walls.
We were attracted by the abstract art work of charming artist David España who had his fine work hung in a gallery in the heart of Casares. All of his work was done onto glass, which gave the art such a lovely nice touch. The paintings were all really cool, and the style was certainly very unique. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie bought a painting from this exact spot a few months back! Dad bought a painting home, and it now hangs nicely on our living room wall! 
You know what one of my favourite things to take photos of in Casares was?... Doors!... Yes that's right! Their colours and antique looks made them oh so photogenic!
We ventured up lots of stairs and hills until we finally made it to the castle ruins that overlooked it's lush surroundings.
I mean just look at that view!
Another beautiful little Spanish church. 

Once we felt we had explored Casares as best as we could, and before we jumped back in the car and headed home, we took the opportunity to have some delicious Spanish food for lunch whilst enjoying a rather spectacular view of the densely green mountains.
We had such a lovely day in Casares, and it makes me so happy thinking back to it. It's literally taken me the entire day to write this post because i've been on and off crying like a little baby since the moment I woke up this morning knowing that once Logan and I had said our goodbyes, I wouldn't be seeing him again until the summer. But now that I've finally reached the end of this post, and have been able to openly express my extremely emotional reminiscent state, by sharing with you a day that was so full of fun and happiness for both Logan and I, I feel a lot less alone. It's always the hardest part... saying goodbye, and then the hours which follow where I can't speak to Logan because he's flying away from me... it always makes me feel so lonely. I know I probably sound like a drama queen right now, but it's difficult.. being with the person you love every second of every day (literally) for almost a month, and then being forced apart knowing you won't see the other again for months to come, and you don't even know how many months it will be until you're together again.. it could be four, it could be seven. Long distance relationships are hard, but mine is so totally worth it <3

-Alyssa xo

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