Yes, I totally did just shamefully quote a song that I don't particularly like (it's so annoying!?), but it sums up the content of this post almost perfectly!
As I told you last week, I have been uber busy and am seriously lagging behind in keeping you all updated with my life... I am catching you up though... surely but steadily!
My birthday weekend was kind of a blow out for the rest of my February, because I didn't touch alcohol or step foot in a party for an entire month... and that's where this post comes in! After a month of keeping it on the down low I felt it was about time to rev it up a little... which led to a pretty hardcore weekend of partying (well at least as hardcore as you can get in little Bangor Land anyway!).
Friday the 14th was a huge bundle of fun! It was genuinely one of the best nights out in Bangor I've had so far! We got all dolled up and headed for the pubs in happy moods that set the night up for success. I'm not sure what it was that made this night so good, but I think part of the reason was down to the fact that I allowed myself to let my hair down, and just blow off some steam!
The beautiful B hiding behind one of many to come!
Briany feelin' the love.
The clan.... Briany always proving to be the odd one out...
Another vampire gang shot (Lucy and I's obsession with The Vampire Diaries may be taking it's toll...dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnn!)
After making the sexy stretch limo (yes, you read correctly!) wait for us outside the bar whilst we quickly finished our drinks, we scurried along like little excited preschoolers and jumped into our incredibly glam ride to Embassy (which lasted all of 2 minutes because Bangor is that darn small!).
We pulled up outside the club feeling like VIPs, expecting a crowd of people to be gawping as we flung upon the limo doors and (as elegantly as possible) stepped out onto the street.... we were sorely disappointed to find absolutely no crowd of people to stop and stare at our sweet ride...hah! Even with our temporary dreams ever so slightly crushed, we strode into the club on a mission to continue having an awesome night... and indeed it was!
Compulsory bathroom mirror selfie!
We boogied to our hearts content, and refused to leave until closing time.
Even so... we weren't done with the party, so we brought it back home... and continued the night in the form of a food fight! WHICH WAS FREAKIN' AWESOME. It was a full on food fight.. water (and ribena....which....well...not such a good idea, seeing as it coloured our white walls blue! oops!) being thrown e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e (the floors were drenched!), butter smeared all over each others faces, even gravy granules were involved, not to mention the ketchup and mayonnaise! It was a true food fight, worthy of an award.
We all got a bit carried away, and Miss Lucy managed to smash a glass. Despite my spontaneous involvement in childish play (you only live once people!) and despite still being slightly under the influence of alcohol, (unsurprisingly) my responsible self still managed to squeeze it's way through and begin to clean up the havoc that had just exploded in the house... nicely illustrated by my firm grip on the dustpan and brush, hah!
What a crazy night! Certainly one for the books!
...Saturday night we did it all over again! I told you Eat Sleep Rave Repeat was the moto for the weekend! I only have two photos to share with you that'll sum up my night...
Uno.... the beginning of the night, thing's already proving to be a little crazy when super tall Rob shrinks to shoulder size....
.... Y Dos...
I can safely say that I have never drank so much in my life! I have never thrown up because of alcohol before, and let me tell you, it was NOT something I ever want to experience again! Friday night was so much fun, and I guess the mad party animal inside of me was still awake and on the prowl 24 hours later... which consequently resulted in the series of unfortunate events leading up to me having my photo taken... hugging a bucket.
I will not be revisiting that bucket, ever again. I honestly don't understand why people would want to get that wasted on frequent occasions! It's so not fun! Plus it's so incredibly dangerous! Eww, it just makes me feel gross thinking about it. Don't do it people! Keep it safe and responsible! I definitely learnt my lesson. Not happening again, ever!
The following friday was minion social night with the horse riding club! It was a 100% sober night out for me (I really did learn my lesson!), and it was really fun dressing as a quirky little minion! I was in love with the round glasses, even considered buying myself a real pair for lectures...what'd you think? mmm...

Rockin' dem specs!
Spot minion Alyssa!
Who doesn't love a cheeky minion eh?
-Alyssa xo
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