Monday 16 February 2015

A Dream With You

Worries of loosing myself

Then, visions of you,
Your face of kindness, wisdom, and graced with a beauty of soul,
Those crystal gems of clear water blue, gently remind,
To trust in these wonders,
And ride with their waves

Melodies of you,
Your voice of plenty, sown and intricate with love,
Those words hold a thousand meanings, and hum such mellifluous song,
Laced with bird chime, they whisper;
‘Don’t be afraid, me ole flower, time keeps us moving on’

Feelings of you,
Your inked hands of earned age and etched earth,
Those stories of blue butterfly shared, between Grandfather and Granddaughter,
And on the eve of turning twenty one, hand in hand, we dance so lightly, 
With a rhythm that melts the worries, with a pace so slow it reminds me

Reminds me of you, 
That all of your teachings, no matter how small,
Live within me, 
Granda- your ole flower,

Is reminded of you.